Source code for regdiffusion.grn
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from datetime import datetime
from collections import deque, Counter
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
import h5py
from typing import List, Dict, Union
import concurrent.futures
from .plot import plot_pyvis
class GRN:
A Object to save and analyze gene regulatory network
A GRN object includes the adjacency matrix between transcriptional factors
and target genes. In many cases, when TFs are not specified, we have a
square-shaped adjacency matrix. We expected the adjacency
matrix to hold predicted weights/probabilities for the edges (float).
To create a GRN object, you need at least two things: the adjacency matrix
and the corresponding gene names. You can further specify the TF names if
your adjacency matrix is not a square matrix.
You can save a GRN object to the HDF5 format using the `.to_hdf5` method in
the GRN class. You can load a saved GRN object using the `read_hdf5`
function in this package.
If your adjacency matrix is very large and space is a concern, you may
consider provide a value for `top_gene_percentile`. This value will
calculate the a cutoff point for the values in the adjacency matrix.
Every value whose absolute value is below this cutoff point will be set to
zero. Later on, we can save the data as a sparse matrix to reduce the
space requirement.
The GRN object comes with many useful methods to analyze and visualize the
network. Top top-level interfaces includes `.extract_node_2hop_neighborhood`
and `.visualize_local_neighborhood`.
adj_matrix (np.ndarray): A 2D adjacency matrix to save.
gene_names (np.ndarray): A 1D numpy array with all the target gene
tf_names (np.ndarray, optional): A 1D numpy array with all the TF gene
top_gene_percentile (int): If this value is set, only the top k absolute
values in the adjacency matrix will be kept. All the other values
will be set to zero.
def __init__(self, adj_matrix: np.ndarray,
gene_names: np.ndarray,
tf_names: np.ndarray = None,
top_gene_percentile: int = None):
self.n_tfs = adj_matrix.shape[0]
self.n_genes = adj_matrix.shape[1]
if tf_names is None:
tf_names = gene_names
self.gene_names = gene_names
self.tf_names = tf_names
if top_gene_percentile is None:
self.cutoff_threshold = 0
# Here we are estimating the cutoff point for top a% predicted edges
# To speed up the process, we calculate the 1-a% percentile within
# 10,000 sampled edges instead of all edges.
random_row_idx = np.random.randint(0, self.n_tfs, 10000)
random_col_idx = np.random.randint(0, self.n_genes, 10000)
sampled_values = adj_matrix[random_row_idx, random_col_idx]
self.cutoff_threshold = np.percentile(
np.abs(sampled_values), 100-top_gene_percentile
adj_matrix = adj_matrix.copy()
adj_matrix[np.abs(adj_matrix) < self.cutoff_threshold] = 0
self.adj_matrix = adj_matrix
# TODO: make it tf safe.
if self.n_tfs == self.n_genes:
self.adj_matrix_2way = np.concatenate([
adj_matrix, adj_matrix.transpose()
], axis=0)
self.adj_matrix_2way = None
self.gene_indices = {g: i for i, g in enumerate(gene_names)}
self.tf_indices = {g: i for i, g in enumerate(tf_names)}
self.calculated_neighbors = {}
def get_edgelist(self, k: int = 20, workers: int = 2) -> pd.DataFrame:
Simply generate a dataframe to hold the edge list.
The dataframe will have 3 columns: `source`, `target`, `weight`.
k (int): Top-k edges to inspect on each node. If k=-1, export all.
workers (int): Number of concurrent workers. Default is 2.
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
max_workers=workers) as executor:
futures = [
self.extract_node_neighbors, g, k
) for g in list(self.gene_names)]
all_edges = [
future.result() for future in
return pd.concat(all_edges).reset_index(drop=True)
def extract_node_sources_as_indices(self, gene: str, k: int = 20) -> Dict:
Generate a dictionary for the top direct edge pointing to the
selected gene. It is slightly faster than the dataframe version.
genes (str, List(str)): A single gene or a list of genes to inspect.
k (int): Top-k edges to inspect on each node. If k=-1, export all
gene_idx = self.gene_indices[gene]
node_neighbors = self.adj_matrix[:, gene_idx]
node_neighbors_abs = np.abs(node_neighbors)
if k!=-1:
top_indices = np.argpartition(node_neighbors_abs, -k)[-k:]
top_indices = np.where(node_neighbors_abs!=0)[0]
top_edge_weights = node_neighbors[top_indices]
output = {
'tf_indices': top_indices,
'weights': top_edge_weights
return output
def extract_node_sources(self, gene: str, k: int = 20) -> pd.DataFrame:
Generate a pandas dataframe for the top direct edge pointing to the
selected gene.
The dataframe will have 3 columns: `source`, `target`, `weight`.
genes (str, List(str)): A single gene or a list of genes to inspect.
k (int): Top-k edges to inspect on each node. If k=-1, export all
source_indices = self.extract_node_sources_as_indices(gene, k)
top_gene_names = [
self.tf_names[i] for i in source_indices['tf_indices']
output = pd.DataFrame({
'source': top_gene_names,
'target': gene,
'weight': source_indices['weights']
return output
def extract_node_targets_as_indices(self, gene: str, k: int = 20) -> Dict:
Generate a dictionary for the top direct edge pointing from the
selected gene. It is slightly faster than the dataframe version.
genes (str, List(str)): A single gene or a list of genes to inspect.
k (int): Top-k edges to inspect on each node. If k=-1, export all
gene_idx = self.tf_indices[gene]
node_neighbors = self.adj_matrix[gene_idx, :]
node_neighbors_abs = np.abs(node_neighbors)
if k!=-1:
top_indices = np.argpartition(node_neighbors_abs, -k)[-k:]
top_indices = np.where(node_neighbors_abs!=0)[0]
top_edge_weights = node_neighbors[top_indices]
output = {
'gene_indices': top_indices,
'weights': top_edge_weights
return output
def extract_node_targets(self, gene: str, k: int = 20) -> pd.DataFrame:
Generate a pandas dataframe for the top direct edge pointing from the
selected gene.
The dataframe will have 3 columns: `source`, `target`, `weight`.
genes (str, List(str)): A single gene or a list of genes to inspect.
k (int): Top-k edges to inspect on each node. If k=-1, export all
target_indices = self.extract_node_targets_as_indices(gene, k)
top_gene_names = [
self.gene_names[i] for i in target_indices['gene_indices']
output = pd.DataFrame({
'source': gene,
'target': top_gene_names,
'weight': target_indices['weights']
return output
def extract_node_neighbors_as_indices(self, gene: str, k: int = 20) -> Dict:
Generate a dictionary for the top direct neighbors of selected gene.
It is slightly faster than the dataframe version.
genes (str, List(str)): A single gene or a list of genes to inspect.
k (int): Top-k edges to inspect on each node. If k=-1, export all
gene_idx = self.gene_indices[gene]
if (gene_idx, k) in self.calculated_neighbors:
return self.calculated_neighbors[(gene_idx, k)]
node_neighbors = self.adj_matrix_2way[:, gene_idx]
node_neighbors_abs = np.abs(node_neighbors)
if k!=-1:
top_indices = np.argpartition(node_neighbors_abs, -k)[-k:]
top_indices = np.where(node_neighbors_abs!=0)[0]
top_edge_weights = node_neighbors[top_indices]
top_source_indices = top_indices[top_indices < self.n_tfs]
top_source_weights = top_edge_weights[top_indices < self.n_tfs]
top_target_indices = top_indices[top_indices >= self.n_tfs] - self.n_tfs
top_target_weights = top_edge_weights[top_indices >= self.n_tfs]
output = {
'source_indices': top_source_indices,
'source_weights': top_source_weights,
'target_indices': top_target_indices,
'target_weights': top_target_weights
self.calculated_neighbors[(gene_idx, k)] = output
return output
def extract_node_neighbors(self, gene: str, k: int = 20) -> pd.DataFrame:
Generate a pandas dataframe for the top direct neighbors of selected
gene. The dataframe will be sorted by the absolute weight of edges.
The dataframe will have 3 columns: `source`, `target`, `weight`.
genes (str, List(str)): A single gene or a list of genes to inspect.
k (int): Top-k edges to inspect on each node. If k=-1, export all
neighbor_indices = self.extract_node_neighbors_as_indices(gene, k)
source_gene_names = [
self.tf_names[i] for i in neighbor_indices['source_indices']
source_tbl = pd.DataFrame({
'source': source_gene_names,
'target': gene,
'weight': neighbor_indices['source_weights']
target_gene_names = [
self.gene_names[i] for i in neighbor_indices['target_indices']
target_tbl = pd.DataFrame({
'source': gene,
'target': target_gene_names,
'weight': neighbor_indices['target_weights']
return pd.concat([source_tbl, target_tbl])
def extract_local_neighborhood(
self, genes: Union[str, List[str]], k: int = 20, hops: str = "2.5"
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Generate a pandas dataframe for the 2.5 or 1.5 hop local neighborhood
around selected gene(s). "2.5 hop local neighborhood" includes all the
nodes and edges reachable by a 2-hop search from the selected genes and
the edges connecting all the 2-hop nodes. "1.5 hop local neighborhood"
is defined in a similar way but smaller.
genes (str, List(str)): A single gene or a list of genes to inspect.
k (int): Top-k edges to inspect on each node. If k=-1, export all
hops (str): Number of hops to explore. We can either do a "2.5" or
"1.5" hop travesal around selected genes. Default is "2.5".
if isinstance(genes, str):
genes = [genes]
hop0_genes = set(genes)
# Hop 1
hop1 = pd.concat([
self.extract_node_neighbors(g, k=k) for g in hop0_genes
hop1['hop'] = 0
hop1_genes = set()
for g in hop1.source:
if g not in hop0_genes:
for g in
if g not in hop0_genes:
# Hop 2
if hops == "1.5":
hop2s = []
for g in hop1_genes:
hop2 = self.extract_node_neighbors(g, k=k)
hop2 = hop2[
hop2.source.isin(hop1_genes) &
hop2s = pd.concat(hop2s)
hop2s['hop'] = 1
adj_table = pd.concat([hop1, hop2s]).reset_index(drop=True)
return adj_table
elif hops == "2.5":
hop2s = pd.concat([
self.extract_node_neighbors(g, k=k) for g in hop1_genes
hop2s['hop'] = 1
hop2_genes = set()
for g in hop2s.source:
if g not in hop0_genes and g not in hop1_genes:
for g in
if g not in hop0_genes and g not in hop1_genes:
# Hop 2.5
hop3s = []
for g in hop2_genes:
hop3 = self.extract_node_neighbors(g, k=k)
hop3 = hop3[
hop3.source.isin(hop2_genes) &
hop3s = pd.concat(hop3s)
hop3s['hop'] = 2
adj_table = pd.concat([hop1, hop2s, hop3s]).reset_index(drop=True)
return adj_table
def visualize_local_neighborhood(
self, genes: Union[str, List[str]], k: int = 20, hops: str = "2.5",
edge_widths: List[int] = [2, 1, 0.5],
plot_engine: str = 'pyvis', *args, **kwargs):
Generate a vis.js network visualization of the local neighborhood
(2-hop) around selected gene(s).
genes (str, List(str)): A single gene or a list of genes to inspect.
k (int): Top-k edges to inspect on each node. If k=-1, export all.
hops (str): Number of hops of the neighborhood to explore. Default
is "2.5".
edge_widths (List): The widths for edges for different edge width
plot_engine (str): Choose which network plot engine to use. Default
is "pyvis".
**kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to ``plot_pyvis``.
if isinstance(genes, str):
genes = [genes]
local_adj_table = self.extract_local_neighborhood(genes, k, hops)
local_adj_table['edge_width'] =
lambda x: edge_widths[x])
if plot_engine == 'pyvis':
g = plot_pyvis(
pandas_edgelist = local_adj_table,
star_genes = genes, *args, **kwargs)
raise Exception("Not implemented yet")
return g
def to_hdf5(self, file_path: str, as_sparse: bool = False):
Save GRN into a HDF5 file. You have the option to save as a sparse
matrix. This option is preferred when most of the values in the
adjacency matrix are zeros.
file_path (str): File path to save.
as_sparse (bool): Whether to save as sparse matrix
if as_sparse:
sp_adj = csr_matrix(self.adj_matrix)
if not file_path.endswith('.hdf5'):
file_path += '.hdf5'
with h5py.File(file_path, 'w') as f:
adj_group = f.create_group('adj_matrix')
if as_sparse:
adj_group.attrs['sparse'] = True
adj_group.attrs['shape'] = sp_adj.shape
'data',, chunks=True,
compression="gzip", compression_opts=9
'indices', data=sp_adj.indices, chunks=True,
compression="gzip", compression_opts=9
'indptr', data=sp_adj.indptr, chunks=True,
compression="gzip", compression_opts=9
adj_group.attrs['sparse'] = False
'data', data=self.adj_matrix, chunks=True,
compression="gzip", compression_opts=9
'gene_names', data=list(self.gene_names), chunks=True,
compression="gzip", compression_opts=9
'tf_names', data=list(self.tf_names), chunks=True,
compression="gzip", compression_opts=9
def __repr__(self):
result_description_header = "Inferred GRN"
size_description = f"{'{:,}'.format(self.n_tfs)} TFs x "
size_description += f"{'{:,}'.format(self.n_genes)} Target Genes"
message = f"{result_description_header}: {size_description}"
return message
def __str__(self):
return self.__repr__()
def read_hdf5(file_path: str):
Read HDF5 file as a GRN object. See the documentation for GRN for details.
file_path (str): File path to read.
with h5py.File(file_path, 'r') as f:
if f['adj_matrix'].attrs['sparse']:
sparse_dt = csr_matrix((
), shape=f['adj_matrix'].attrs['shape'])
adj_matrix = sparse_dt.toarray().astype(np.float16)
adj_matrix = f['adj_matrix']['data'][:]
gene_names = f['gene_names'][:]
tf_names = f['tf_names'][:]
return GRN(adj_matrix, gene_names, tf_names)